Brand identity and coordinated image
Do you want to build or revitalize your brand’s coordinated image? OVOstudio will help you to define a solid brand identity.

Establishing your brand is a serious matter and defining its identity is even more so. We are not simply talking about the choice of name and logo; by brand identity we are also referring to the complex network of tangible and intangible values that the company, with its logo, vision, and mission wishes to convey, and the perception of these values as seen from outside the company.
OVOstudio will strengthen your brand and make it consistent, recognizable, and a direct expression of the corporate soul.
Through a communication strategy that comprises:
Establishing the name, logo, company claim, and related guidelines to create each project in a coherent and consistent way.
Corporate identity
Creating the corporate identity, i.e. the business cards, letterheads, document holders, HTML signatures, and company presentations, so that the company is perceived in a clear and coordinated way.
Advertizing campaigns created with the goal of achieving brand recognition, ensuring that customers remember the company.
Catalogs, brochures, and manuals made for commercial reasons, events, etc.
House organ
Company magazine and house organ for communicating information on the internal organization, news, products, and the progression of the company itself on the market.
Commercial flyers for sectors such as the large scale retail outlets, to inform the consumer quickly and incisively on company promotions.
Visual communication
Outlets set up with visual communication (POP) materials for effective presentation of products and services.
Packaging products designed and manufactured with the goal of functional communication of the product characteristics.
Do you want to discover some of OVOstudio's works?

Abbazia di Spineto
Estate extending about 800 hectares within the municipality of Sarteano, in the province of Siena.

OVOstudio Playing Card
La realtà di un’agenzia di comunicazione è molto complessa, con ruoli e meccanismi ben definiti che spesso non sono così conosciuti.
\r\nAttraverso la creatività degli allievi della Scuola Internazionale di Comics e con l’obiettivo di sostenere la Fondazione Giovanni Celeghin ONLUS, con la quale collaboriamo da molti anni, abbiamo dato vita a questo particolare mazzo di carte da poker dove ogni carta è stata abbinata a un ruolo, una competenza o un'abilità dei professionisti che operano all’interno di un’agenzia di comunicazione.
\r\nIl risultato?
Un mazzo di carte una diversa dall'altra dove i nuovi talenti emergenti della Scuola Internazionale di Comics hanno avuto modo di utilizzare le diverse tecniche stilistiche per regalarci la loro interpretazione del tema.
Raccogliere fondi tramite la vendita dei mazzi di carte, da donare alla fondazione per la ricerca contro i tumori cerebrali.
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