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Social Network

Communication on social networks: OVOstudio will guide you and help you learn about social media marketing

Being on social networks is essential, but the difference is how you show up there. Communication is horizontal and the speaker is no longer a simple consumer but an aware consumer, someone to have a direct dialogue with.

OVOstudio will guide you in defining a social media marketing strategy aimed at generating solid brand awareness and quality engagement.

For your social media marketing action, OVOstudio will take care of:


Business target

Defining the target audience, and monitoring their interests, desires, and needs.

Identifying social channels

Choosing social channels based on the target audience and focusing on the desired objectives for that channel.

Editorial plan

rafting the content plan for publications, identifying commercial and entertainment sections with the goal of building a solid community.

Graphic style and similar executive developments

Graphic interface, fonts, and distinctive elements: everything you need for a strong and recognizable coordinated image, both for photographic material and for video animations.

Adv campaigns

Creating a structured adv investment plan to achieve the established goals, and testing and calibrating the multiple factors involved (geolocation, target, type of post, call to action, etc.).

Customer service

Daily monitoring of social channels, for prompt response to customer questions automatically or in direct contact with the company.

Insight and reporting

Systematic analysis of channel trends and acquired data reports, as well as related sponsorships.

Do you want to discover some of OVOstudio's works?


Italian chain of perfumeries aimed at women and designed for women.

Concorsi a premi

OVOstudio ON-LINE and OFF-LINE competitions and prize awards, from the creative concept to the termination of the event, created to draw active participation by users and generate affection for the brand.

CAD / Caddy's

A company par excellence in the modern distribution of products for personal care and home hygiene

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