Only testing can discover interesting things. Get in the game approaching the young, but it requires courage.
The holidays have arrived! We wish you moments of relaxation and fun with your friends ... whatever they may be. Good summer 2016, see you in September.
During some negotiations it is natural to wonder "Hmmm, who is offering an opportunity to whom?".
Customer: "Our strategy is very clear, we want the communication is addressed to the professional and the end user." Agency: "Hmmm ... what to say, this is not a strategy, two strategies are linked by an E."
Assume that the client understands and understands the process that leads us to determine our choices, is to marvel all its unreasonable reaction.
Much of what we offer to our customers requires active participation in energy and also on their part. Get everything in exchange for nothing is not an option conceivable.
The serenity within an agency makes a difference on the quality of work offered. In this regard we hung incoming direct and unequivocal message motivational, to welcome in the best way our customers and to remember every day to ourselves that to make it exciting and enjoyable our job you need to take care of the details, avoid the banality and to smile.
Spring / Summer 2016 Shoes Collection Perfect to live in harmony and creativity this swinging "summer"!
We can look to the difficulties as mere obstacles to stem, or work to address them and commit ourselves to continue to raise our crossbar. The aternativa? Take it on the teeth.
"Mine is just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves hitting the sand. I knock people." Muhammad Ali 1942 - 2016
We do not tolerate longer wait, we do not know enjoy an event without being disturbed by phone, we expect to receive everything at once without considering that to do and teach to do things well done it takes the time it takes.
All repeat "tip of the goal, focus on it, you do not deviate from the false gods ...". We need not risk missing all the beauty around us along the way?
"Right now our priority is to sell more, the brand can be expected." Hmmm ... bell horse that the grass grows.
In Clause "does not bring myself to do everything, would serve more time" we usually respond with the words of William Penn "philosopher is the time that we desire, but, alas, we use worst."
The uniqueness of a team is determined by the differences between the people who make it up. The difficulty is knowing how to identify these differences and turn them into strengths.
Good ideas are not masters and often we wonder why we are not left free to express their strength.
There are cases, not so isolated, in which the multiplication tables and the traditional marketing rules alone are not enough and where the idea always makes the difference.